A Bit of Winter Bling ...........

So, the pastel painting I started a couple of weeks ago is finished!

Winter Bling
30cm x 30cm, pastel

The snow was an all time first, and definitely a challenge. White is a colour I don't tend to use very often and as a result it was a shock to discover that the sanded card that I prefer did not like it! I like to layer my pastel a lot, quick squoosh of fixative and on goes the next layer. This wasn't happening; I'm sure there is a technical explanation in connection with the pigments used, but for me it was a surprise.Strong contrasts play a major role in my work and this was a deliberate attempt to stay pale and hazy.That was new too! (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!) I must admit I like it, and it certainly won't be the last snowscape!!!


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