Time to Shine!

What with the sun shining and Spring blowsily bursting out all over (hmmm, sounds like a bit of a metaphor for me and my 57 year old body!) lots of time spent limping around in the garden. Yes, Mrs Forsythia's revenge is still causing me pain but at least my first Spring painting of 2022 is complete….. Time to Shine! 

Time to Shine! 

I'm hoping that this title is going to be my artistic motto for the next couple of years. Having had a health scare only this month (and a plunging fall from the top of a ladder) maybe it’s time to reflect on my mortality and to stop lurking around in the artistic shadows, time to put it out there! 
The only problem is how and where, if I was in the UK I would hawk some framed work around some galleries but unfortunately in Germany things don’t seem to work that way. Würzburg although a larger city seems to have two galleries and I'll be honest, buying art never really seems to have been top of the list of most people's priorities here, a snazzy new car yes or an outdoor kitchen, indeed but art, nope. Art events seem to be the way forward and as everything is slowly rousing from Corona it’s time to check out the possibilities in my new surroundings. 
For all of you who like a wee peek at the details, here you are ….!

Lots of lilacs and blues and now what? Well, I'm feeling pink, maybe it’s time to hurple around and take some photos of pink blossom, quickly mind before it all blows away. Hmmm, having said that I've got an apple tree in my new garden so I don’t have to limp far and no, I will not be climbing up a ladder to take photos. Me and ladders do not get on particularly well. 


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