I've Started ……

I've started so I'll finish! The famous words of Magnus Magnusson in the famous TV series Mastermind and this sketchbook page was masterminded long ago and then disappeared among the depths of my sketchbook. Inspired by François Boucher's The Allegory of Painting!

And a closer look at how life as an artist should be ….!

Swathed in silk, reclining on cushions and surrounded by simpering cherubs the female artist twiddles delicately with her chalk on her support while another cherub wants to crown her and her efforts with laurels, ahhhh the reality of it all. 
There I am smiling simperingly at my easel while starting a new painting, OK no cherubs turned up and my clothes were very firmly on but in my mind I was soaring into artistic Olympia, this is going to be epic!
And then reality bites!

The problems of having your ''studio'' at home ……! Carving out time to paint, getting in the creative flow when the phone keeps ringing, the drains are blocked, the lawn needs mowing and your living room needs a lick of paint and not a bl..dy cherub in sight. My job description is not only ''artist'' but Facilities Manager, and my range of responsibilities are vast and multiple, the most unpleasant at the moment is disposing of cat poo from a cute but very productive moggy who insists on leaving her mark on our strawberry bed! 
I wish I was as artistically productive as the cat is in pooping but at the moment I'm struggling to stay (or rather get into) the painting zone! As for Mrs Poo, my husband gave her a strict talking to and to be fair she did look very sorry, we'll have to see how effective a strict talking to is!
Just a wee tip, if you visit and are offered strawberries, have a think about it, they very possibly have been fertilised by Mrs Poo. 


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