What Lies Beneath!

What with heaps of snow (and the shovelling thereof ) the atmosphere is just right for this painting! 

What Lies Beneath! 

Isn’t it funny that things like frost and snow don’t only cover things but they also reveal things previously ignored, forgotten or unseen, like these cobwebs. 
Snow while lying pristine shows that a place is untouched …. No man has gone before but footprints in snow can tell a complete story ….. who, what, why and where. Crimes have been solved by finding tyre marks or footprints so while snow conceals it also reveals what lies beneath. 
Let’s take a closer look at the spiders web in my painting, the symbolism of spiders' webs vary from culture to culture for some they symbolise bad luck, for others fate and destiny, I like the Greek idea that if you sleep under a cobweb your dreams might reveal some secrets about you. Personally. I’m fascinated by the fragility but yet amazing strength of cobwebs and the determination and perseverance of spiders, overcoming obstacles to achieve their goal. For me they are  a bit of a reminder of dreams that have died, lying forgotten in a corner of the mind until something like snow or frost brings them back to life. 


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