Don't Mess With Forsythia!

Happy Easter! Here’s my Easter drawing to get things started.
And this is where my feud with Forsythia  began.

Forsythia is really the traditional bush or branch that people decorate for Easter in Germany, so I decided to sketch it. Unfortunately, once I started I realised that the Forsythia wasn’t really saying anything, it wasn’t doing anything for me so after a couple of yellow blooms, I gave up. 
Fast forward to the Easter weekend and I'm gardening, Forsythia has got out of hand and we want to replant an area in the garden! The Forsythia (or at least a part of it has to go), I get a (very wobbly) ladder out of the shed and start trying to chop at the huge bush in front of me ….. the Forsythia is set on revenge. The end result? I fall off the ladder with my feet entangled in the upper rungs and Mrs Forsythia laughs down at me as I lie on the ground screaming for help unable to free myself. My right ankle is as swollen as a large Easter egg and is also all the colours usually associated with painted Easter eggs. Speaking of Easter eggs!

Here we have one the the traditional Easter dressed wells, found in certain parts of Franconia. Although these eggs are plastic in many areas the wells are still dressed with mouth blown and hand painted eggs in their thousands. 
Have a great Easter weekend and whatever you do, think first before you disrespect Mrs Forsythia! She will wreak her revenge. 


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