Holiday Time Again!

The sun has been shining and temperatures are warming up and it's time to start thinking hols! To be honest my middle aged spread and I can't think of anything worse than squashing ourself into spandex and the dreaded walk from the sun lounger to the edge of the pool/sea. For all of you who feel “empowered “ by getting your kit off, congratulations, I envy you ....... I have never felt less empowered than after sweatily, struggling with my cossie. Yep, bikinis are defo a thing of the past, maximum coverage and maximum heaving in are the order of the day, plus calculating whether I can breathe in long enough before being able to hide beneath the surface of the water. Last night in a fit of insomnia, I started to congratulate Victorian women for all the layers they wore to bathe and ”bathing huts”, those changing rooms on wheels which they used. What a pity they are passé ...... they are the perfect solution when your days of sashaying to the water's edge are over! Into the bathing hut, lovely cocktail in hand, battle with the bathing suit, door open, plunge in, problem solved, ditto for your exit, why oh why did bathing huts go out of fashion. 

Holiday sketching is another way to avoid exposing your body,  in fact  it is a great reason to cover up! Think carefully about which kit you take, dragging masses of equipment is a pain. If flying I take a medium sized bound sketchbook. I used to use Canson's 180 Artbook, I liked the fact that it opens fully flat (hence the name) and has a magnetic closure, it is light to carry around too. Those are the pros, the cons were the thinness of the paper which doesn't take much water, the paper wrinkles and so I'm back to Boesner's own brand which have better paper, but are therefore heavier. 
Water brushes are great for hols if you use watercolour, no need for little containers of water, a basic selection of pans, tubes sometimes leak and diddling about with lids is a pain too. I have a battered, old watercolour paintbox although am contemplating a lighter plastic one, especially for city trips where I cart it around in my handbag. 
Other important things to remember, a sunhat with a large brim (front and back) you can’t always find shade! Suntan lotion is a must, I have had a great half face/arm sunburn, so think about where the sun is coming from! 
Be aware ...... it's easy to forget time and what's going on around you while sketching, this nearly led to me having my bag pinched, so pop it on your knee and work on it, handle or strap around your leg or arm. 

Sketching from your balcony is a good solution too! Shade, cool drinks, no thieves and best of all you don't have to expose your dimpled thighs when struggling to get up from sitting sketching! 


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