Sneaky Peek, Nearly Done!

So today a sneaky peek at ''Soul Seeking Sanctuary'', that’s the working title of my panorama format painting ..... and here’s a detail of it! 

Soul Seeking Sanctuary 

I wish I could creep in under those branches and hide, it looks so peaceful but knowing my luck what appears to be a tranquil garden of Eden would turn into a wild buzzing of insects, ticks and/or I'd sit down in dog poo or on an anthill! 
Here you get a good idea of how I  build up my pastel layers, putting lots of emphasis on negative shapes and picking out detail with pastel pencils. This bit of the painting reminds me of Henri Rousseau's Jungle works, lots of movement and to be honest it has taken donks to get this far! 
Donks, does anybody still use the word donks? Wow, l bet donks is only used by the over 55's, this week I realised I am totally out of touch with today’s youth, in one of my posts this year (mercifully I can’t remember which one) I used the expression ''Netflix and Chill'', thinking the obvious for someone my age ''watch TV and relax'' .... little did I suspect that it means a casual bonk, now bonk says everything doesn’t it? Especially if you are 55+! 


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