I Send Two Sunsets

''I send two sunsets'' is a poem by Emily Dickinson, in which she discusses creating two poems about sunset while nature only produced one in the same time. So first of all here is the poem, 

I send two sunsets-
Day and I in competition ran,
I finished two, and several stars,
While he was making one.

His own is  ampler- 
But as I was saying to a friend, 
Mine is the more convenient, 
To carry in the hand. 

Here is the start of my latest painting, it is a burning sun disappearing behind trees at sunset, and like Emily suggests although as an artist you can create sunsets there is always that sense that nature, ultimately does it better! Mine won’t be as convenient as Emily's because at 65cm x 50cm you can’t really carry it in the hand however you can look at it on the wall when the day is grey and dreary. 

Sunsets I find are tricky you want to capture the hues and the intensity of the light but there is very much the danger that it turns into one of those Disney, kitschy sunsets with hopping bunnies and the odd unicorn galloping across the fields. Let’s hope we are not heading in that direction! 


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