Anne Boleyn Obsessed!

If I had a time machine and could zip myself back in time, I'd love to have a chinwag with Henry VIII's second wife Anne Boleyn. This either love her or hate her historical character has fascinated me since I was about four and my mum sang that song "with her head tucked underneath her arm ......"

Here is a little Tudor sketch page, Ordsall Hall top left is near Salford and my family often popped in here to visit!

Here is Anne Boleyn in a sketch done from the Nidd Hall portrait, possibly only one of two contemporary portraits that we have of her. Portrayed as everything from protestant martyr over self-made woman to incestuous seductress, her personality shines through all the centuries from the primary sources available, even though they are just fascinating glimpses. 
What I would most like to ask ? When did Anne realise she had snared King Henry completely and realised that divorce and becoming queen of England was "do-able!" Love her or hate her, her execution in 1536, was an unworthy end, even as what had been "the other woman!" Another marriage in which there had been three, also with devastating effects! 


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