The Four Riders of the Apocalypse

When taking the photos for this painting, the sky looked as if the four riders of  the apocalypse could just come thundering past (the photo can be seen in my post from 27 January, Let’s Start at the Very Beginning) and skies are beginning to play a much larger part in my work, moving more and more into focus. 

Seeking Warmth in Winter Skies 

I was truly amazed by the wealth of colours, clouds and movement in this sky and the stripe of light on the horizon which almost looked like fire. Capturing this atmosphere was a new challenge, keeping up the drama was too. Always a fiddly fan of negative spaces here they really came into their own in the burning stripe on the horizon. 

Here checking my values with a b/w filter was immensely helpful, as that sky really does live from the bold strokes and play of lights and darks. Toning down during a painting is never a problem, trying to recapture lost values at the end really is, so during the process a quickie b/w photo really keeps things on track. Although a technophobe, (give me a piece of paper and a pencil above a computer any day!) I must admit that here my iphone/ipad really do contribute in a helpful way. 
Having said that, I have a sketchbook app which I was really excited about, but having tried it out it really didn’t do it for me. I need the feel of sanded paper and of course the clarty fingers, which is what it's really all about! 


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