Exciting, My New Website!

Been mulling over creating my own website for quite sometime but as I am much more an artist than a techie, I really have been putting it off. You can't believe how happy I was to get this blog up and running, I felt as proud as Columbus discovering America. My own website, that is really out of my league but here are the first signs that it is becoming reality ..........! 

Arrrrggghhh! Decisions, decisions, which template, which images, style. I know what I don't like about other artists'  websites but what about my own! 
Although you won't believe it from looking at my work, I'm really a minimalist ....... I dislike clutter and believe it or not, I'm not such a big fan of colour, my wardrobe has always consisted of mainly black. My website should reflect that, so I'm going for a clean, white, gallery feel without too much clutter.  
Putting a face on it is awkward too, I really hate photos of myself, at my stage in life (and weight) nobody is going to buy the starving artist thing, so what is it to be? Artificially posed at the easel, pensively contemplating my next pastel stroke?  Pretentious plein air? All this is doubly difficult as I'm taking the photos myself, having tried this already using the timer on my phone, I have had some amazingly blurry plein air photos of my squiffy easel, me not arriving in time, and one of the top of my head, at the end of the day (and my tether) I 've decided to go for this .........


Soooooo what do you think? My mum always used to say I scrubbed up well, unfortunately I'm at the age where scrubbing is not enough. 
Any feedback about what you like about artists websites or pet hates would be really appreciated! 


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