German Mother’s Day

Not a long post today it’s German Mother’s day, in the USA too I think, so wherever you are you fabulous mothers, Happy Mother's Day! Hope you are being spoiled, you deserve it. 
In Germany the tradition doesn’t date back that long, 1922 was the first ''Muttertag'', whereas in the UK Mothering Sunday dates back to Medieval times. Children often had to leave their families to work in other places and were given a day off during Lent to visit their families, bringing their mothers ''Mothering cakes''. In Germany it's a day of flowers, eating out and generally spending some downtime with your mum. This is a repost of a painting I did from a visit to our local park on Mother’s Day! Bright cheery blooms and all those greens showing us that Spring certainly has sprung! 

Park Parade, Blues and Royals
50cm x 65cm 


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