Summer Effervescence! Surfacing to Exhale

Soooooo, the big reveal! As I mentioned in my last post, this is the ''one'' that I've been keeping secret for the summer! I have never taken so long for a painting ever ......., aaaaannnddddd it’s a biggie too at 60cm x 80cm. 

Summer Effervescence (Surfacing to exhale!) 
60cm x 80cm 

Do you know the feeling of surfacing from the depths and filling your lungs with fresh air, this painting is really a metaphor for that feeling. The joy you feel at that first breath, everything around you is so vivid and alive! Summer Effervescence is a celebration of a return to life! 
On Wednesday, you saw my perfect ''bubble'', but this is another snippet from the painting that I love .......! 

A half submerged lily pad, the dappled light playing on the surface of the water and some more bubbles! So if you’re interested pop into my website!


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