Checking Out!

I'm checking out of my blog today for 3 weeks, I'm hoping the gods of travel may come up with some last minute goodies, if not well at least some sketching in Elysian fields …… or any nice fields for that matter!

Summer Shangri-La

As time apparently moves more slowly at sea level than in the mountains, I'm not surprised that I find time on the beach, listening to waves very relaxing.
So what do you prefer, the mountains or the sea?
I'll be honest, being born in Scotland with our highest mountain, Ban Nevis at 1345m, the mountains in Germany seem (and are) a whole different ball game! I find them threatening and awe inducing at the same time.
I remember a visit to Hitler's Kehlsteinhaus ( Eagle's Nest) in Obersalzburg with my family and my parents who were visiting from the UK. 
With a somewhat rickety bus we headed up from Berchtesgaden on a very serpentine road, looking over at the Watzmann which is 2713m high and very impressive. The Eagle's Nest was built at a height of 1834m and was an amazing feat of engineering, with a brass lift taking you from the private parking area 124m up to the building itself, the panorama view is breathtaking! Spot the tourists! For us June is summer and warm, at 1834m the world is different and my 4 year old daughter was up there in canvas deck shoes, chic yes but as the Obersalzburg was covered in snow not very appropriate. 
Did our time up in the mountains move more slowly (according to scientists if you place an atomic clock on top of a mountain and one on the beach you will eventually see a difference, time moves more slowly at sea level), well I couldn’t say, it certainly was colder than down in the valley. 
I hope the next three weeks pass in a relaxing manner with time for art and some good results wherever I may be whether at the beach or in the mountains! See you soon in June! 


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