Phew! A Cool Down!

It rained here yesterday and today, what a feeling, I love the smell outdoors after it rains and now here’s an oldie!

Funny, I can’t paint the sea when I can’t see it and although I was on my hols our beach didn’t have rolling waves and that sound is so comforting to my ears. 
I'm a girl (even if an old one) of the sea! It lives within me and the first thing that I did when I stepped out of the plane when flying home was sniff the air, that salty smell! Hah, gorgeous! And the colours, just wow! 
Ever changing, ever new, eternal……, a force to be reckoned with. 
The Celts believed that the Otherworld lay beyond the Ninth Wave, I can’t tell you how often I've counted those waves and wondered just what lay beyond! Who knows but something magical I'm sure. 


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