Returning to the Easel!

After a couple of sketching sojourns it’s time to hit the easel again with some water, flowers and other bits of flora and the bad lighting in my studio. 

Here we are! Not much to see I admit but it’s a start! 
A couple of weeks ago I had a whistle stop tour of the fabulous Japanese Garden in Würzburg and took a horrendous amount of reference photos which are clogging up my photo gallery. 

Lovely, isn’t it? And here another image …. In 1990 Würzburg played host to the State horticultural show and the Japanese garden was one of several themed gardens honouring the cities Würzburg is twinned with, in the case of the Japanese garden, Otsu. 

I think I can see some inspiration for paintings here, unfortunately I didn’t have time to sketch. The weather was scorching and we couldn’t find anywhere to park safely, so it really was a quick click and out. 
What I later discovered about the themed gardens, is that there was also a Scottish Highland garden, complete with a stream and bridge what a pity I missed it, a save for another day perhaps. 
As for my pastel painting, I'll have to see how I get on, I'm expecting visitors so there won’t be too much time for painting but who knows maybe a visit to the Scottish garden is on the cards. 


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