The Clueless Gardener!

Even if April and the beginning of May seems to have had 6000 days we have had surprisingly good weather and as we are in lockdown what better way to pass the time than gardening. With my British background people tend to think that I have a garden that would do the Chelsea Garden Show proud and a lawn that Wimbledon would be envious of. Unfortunately, when God was giving out green fingers (here in Germany it's green thumbs!) I was obviously sipping Gin at the bar. That’s not to say that my garden is a desert, I do have various green, pinky things growing and greeny bushes with white long puffy things growing but to be truthful I am the clueless gardener, and that is the inspiration for my next sketchbook page! I always say what you can’t do with skill you should cover through sartorial elegance! This is the start of my new spread, a pencil sketch of my hat and wellies!

I popped everything onto a chair and sat down outdoors to sketch, and here’s the set up! 

Drawing chairs is always a bit iffy and lots of artists (like Vermeer!) fudge the legs or feet in a very convenient puddle of shadow, as for my wellies they are now 25 years old and have just been replaced by a new pair. Must have a mosey around to see what else I can draw on my clueless gardener page, but at least here's the start! However bad I may be in the garden, that is a hat that is hard to beat, would look quite good at the Chelsea Flower Show, don't you think? 


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