The Clueless Gardener!

Happy Mother’s Day to you if you’re in a country that celebrates it today. I'm celebrating in the garden, we've had another good spell of weather and I'm enjoying watching the blue tits (who gave them that name!) hopping into the bird bath; they are also in my clueless gardener page, bottom right. 

As I mentioned in my previous post any garden successes are, as Bob Ross would say, ''happy little accidents'', although I'm a dab hand at opening these seed packets and chucking them into a pot and last year I got a fabulous selection of summer meadow flowers, it remains to be seen if this year is as successful! We have a lot of cute wee birds and a couple of weeks ago I washed a textile and silicone oven glove, when I looked outside it was like a scene from Hitchcock's The Birds ....... forget nuts they were pecking the glittering silicone off the glove, hundreds of them. 

The clueless gardener as the name suggests, hasn’t got a clue what the names of flowers are but actually recognised Forget Me Nots, which she hadn’t even planted, and loves looking at all the blossoms on that pinky, white tree.
 Unfortunately, gardening isn’t all about basking in the glow of your successes (I'm really good at dandelions; pee the beds in Scottish!), a beautiful garden like mine :)) takes a lot of hard work. In Lower Saxony the pokey, scratchy thing is one of the most frequently used pieces of gardening equipment, to my horror I discovered it has a name ...... a crack weeder!!!
 Seriously, a crack weeder ..... pee the beds, tits what is going on? This gardening thing is all a bit naff, not classy at all, that said the garden does provide a great place to sip on a G&T, pity that they don’t grow on trees! 


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