Just Milling Around!

Isn’t it funny what you find when you are out sketching! I seem to have a mill obsession this is a sketch of the Mittelmühle in Hallstadt, Mühle in German is a mill, and there has been a watermill on this site since the 12th C. 

While checking this old mill, I found some fabulous ''mason's marks'' (stonemasons marked the stones they had hewn with a personal ''mark'' like graffiti artists use their tag, the masons were paid according to how many stones they had carved) and a fabulous inscription ...!

''1688, April 6, Hans Dunger had this wall built!''. Obviously, Hans was very proud of this wall which is still standing today, although the mill has gone through many hands since then. Can you see the mason's mark? Like a cross with a slash? 
I enjoyed working here, in a backstreet squashed between a traffic sign and a wall, well until this happened but thank goodness I was nearly finished. Not everyone appreciates artistic endeavours :)) 


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