Filling the Blanks!

Over the years I've developed a sketchbook pet peeve ...... blank pages! Maybe you remember this sketch of Schrepfers mill in Baunach, I got absolutely soaked while sketching and my page was completely soggy! Unfortunately, when it dried the right hand page had got splashes of colour on it too! After annoying me for a while it was time to fill the complete spread! 

Using some photos I took on the day I filled the page with some info about Baunach and  some wee details seen there! I just love the traditional inn signs in Bavaria, I must get some more photos of them, often painted brightly and surrounded by wrought iron, they are usually hundreds of years old. 

The red blots are clearly visible (somehow I always manage to blot my copy book) and on the right you can see the so-called ''Beinhaus'' built in 1543.
A ''beinhaus'', is a building or chapel housing the bones of the dead, like catacombs but above ground. This one is directly behind the church and was built because the cemetery surrounding the church became too small and so bones were stored in this purpose-built house which now houses a crib museum. Strange looking isn’t it? As if it was built onto the town walls! These ''Beinhauses'' aren't particularly seldom but they do tend to look like chapels and are often situated in cemeteries rather than in the middle of the town. 


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