Welcome Hecate!

Let’s welcome Hecate, goddess of crossroads, witchcraft, magic, necromancy, the night, the moon, ghosts and numerous other spooky things, she is one of my Bacchanalia Series, combining wine, vines and mythology. 

If you read my blog, you’ll know that I'm interested not in witchcraft itself, but those who fell victim to witch-hunts and why we were so obsessed with witches and Hecate was the goddess of witchcraft, the colours associated with her like black, white, purple and orange are reflected in my palette. 
Purely coincidentally, my Hecate stands at a crossroads, standing there watching over all who like myself pass. 
Hecate is often seen as a triple goddess, maiden, mother, crone a concept that is familiar in Celtic mythology, with many similarities to the Welsh/Celtic goddess Cerridwen, a goddess of the underworld, the moon, sorcery and other spooky stuff. To try and entangle all the strands of mythology would take too long and would probably be tedious to those who aren’t interested in mythology. Although I have been fascinated by mythology since childhood I certainly can’t keep my, Roman, Greek, Celtic and Norse apart anymore but I do like the fact that they are so intertwined. I do love it when everything fits together and a circle is completed. 
To be honest after starting her ages ago and then due to my dust/breathing problems stopping mid way, I was very surprised how easily I fell under her spell once again and as people of my crone generation would say ''Bob's your Uncle!'' Now that’s a phrase I haven’t used for ages …. and why is Bob your Uncle not Pete? Time to give it a Google! 


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