Love Cake?

Back to my medieval love potion page ….. today medieval love cakes! 
This isn’t a medieval love cake but a traditional Franconian ''Ausgezogene''! These traditional kinds of doughnut are made all over Franconia and given to relatives and friends at weddings, communions, christenings and are eaten at local festivities. The shape varies from place to place but one ingredient always remains  the same ….. love! They are time consuming to make and the lady who baked this one makes them in their hundreds and with a team for parish fairs over one thousand, they are also called different names depending on your region; kiechla, küchla, krapfen, streubele are but a few to mention. These sweet treats are dusted with icing sugar and then eaten fresh and they do date back to so called ''Craphon'', baked in medieval nunneries. Another similarity to ''love cakes'', is that they had bodily contact! Yep, you read that correctly, the ''Krapfen'' were often formed by rolling the dough over your knee (in some places they are called knee cakes), and medieval Love cakes took the bodily contact to a different level. 

So you are a medieval wench wanting to make your Romeo fall in love with you? What do you do …… obviously bake your lover a cake! Nothing new about that, except that you stripped off, made the dough and rubbed the dough on your body, more specifically where you sweat! Your sweaty armpits, buttocks and your crotch, yum! Then bake your ''love cake'' and feed it to your prospective (and probably unsuspecting) lover. 
Sounds disgusting ….. but when you think about pheromones, hmmmm there’s maybe something to it. 

I think I'd prefer a bit of this …… Advocaat gateaux! I hope the lovely lady who baked this didn’t use any of her bodily fluids, just lashings of Advocaat and I'm off for some now. That is really yummy! 


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