Run For the Hills!

You'll never guess what, I've solved my hill trauma, and it was incredibly easy! Did I immerse myself in the landscape, did I go hill walking and discover the beauty of hills? Well yes, but the solution was much easier than that and here it is, the first totally new piece on the easel!

Taaaaaadaaaaa! The hills? Well, they’re not there and that’s the answer, just don’t paint them. My reference is from the Main river in Veitshöchheim and I just loved those creeping red vines, and not a stupid hill in sight!

Now that does signal Autumn creeping in, doesn’t it! Nature produces some amazing hues, red doesn’t get much redder than that. 
I don’t think I'll be making much progress here this week as I'm expecting our first visitors but never mind, another couple of days to think about those hills! Run for the hills, run for your life ….. actually I think the Telly Tubbies ''Run awaaay!'' is more like how I feel about hills. 


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