Autumn Bouquet

Managed to finish my painting this week, it really has taken its time but let’s glory in these rich Autumn colours! 

Autumn Bouquet 

When I saw these water lilies in the warm oranges, yellows and purples I was reminded of a huge bouquet, you know the ones ....... a vast spread of hanging blooms and foliage. Bright, cheery and opulent; an autumn fire in a vase. 
And now from close up ....!

Vibrant, extravagant and warm, just right your these grey and chilly days, a firework. I really love the panorama format and have had great fun experimenting with it this year. 
Now the easel is empty (something that I try not to have, I always have the next painting in the back of my mind) so time to slap on the next piece of Sennelier and just let loose. 
Whatever  it is, I think with the stress of Christmas it will be my last man standing! Let’s hope that 2021 will bring a huge haul of inspiration, photos and paintings. Onward and upward! 


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